Convened at 2014-11-05 19:24:30.901907 by tumbleweed
in #debconf16-capetown on oftc
tibid: start meeting about DebConf16 Cape Town bid
* tibid
gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles
madduck: if you have concrete bits you'd like to cover, say, and we'll do that before you wander off
* indiebio
waves at wendar
* wendar
waves back
madduck: the stage is yours
uh, not what I had intended! ;)
tough :)
no time for stage fright now, mr pony.
but to answer indiebio, I think the best way forward now is to take a stab at the LocationChecklist
for a week or 10 days
madduck: so, I've been doing that a bit for our venues
and then turn that into a nice wiki page
but that's only been the venue specific things
not overall city, yet
so tumbleweed did two already - both for UCT, and both I can't get hold of right now
how many parallel bids do you want to submit?
or one bid with a main venue and a backup?
the latter, i think
we're not going the parallel route AFAIK
that was our plan, I think
i think that's better too
since it's all one town
to be honest, reading the debconf reports, I think with South African internet we pretty much have to stick to a university...
it's just helpful not to tell the venues that they are ranked so that you can negotiate in terms of price
i think the goal is to narrow to 1 main contender and one or two backups
if necessary
indiebio: it is a big complication, yes. But I don't think insurmountable
indiebio: e.g. the stadium had fibre
indiebio: and presumably technopark does
OK, but from reading that I genuinely feel UCT Engineering is my favourite, by a long way.
And from what I gather from wendar's analysis, all the others score about the same on everything
we still don't know about Breakwater
we do need breakwater prices, yes
yes, annoying.
But, I'd put UCT main campus above everything else we've got
i like the idea of Breakwater, but without prices... can someone prod?
but UCT is almost certainly going to be the cheapest, has amazing internet, and isn't *bad* by any other metric
the catering situation is unclear on UCT main campus
there's just the date constraint there
yeah, and the date constraint, though we've certainly done July before
if we go with UCT, the dfates are likely to be 6-16 July
re prodding, I've been emailing, will try calling when I next get a chance.
I think Breakwater might have date constraints, too
I saw something about some students living in the hotel, during courses
date constraints aren't such a big deal; we had them too for dc15, quite strict even
if you know well in advance.
are we still considering other venues, seriously?
madduck according to wendar's budgets, the venues are all currently way over budget, is that correct wendar?
not unless we can get significantly better prices out of them
so my suggestion would be to flesh out the LocationChecklist for both venues, or one document with two answers to each. And then to take our Bid page, copy it and start melding it into .za form
which we haven't tried to do
Are we confident of our relationship with UCT's IT people, since that's been a sticky point in the past?
yeah, this is just initial estimates...
wendar: can I hear some numbers?
indiebio: I wouldn't say way over budget, they all seem pretty reasonable
drnlm: yeah, I am a bit scared about that. indiebio seems to have had good experience with tedx, though
madduck: they're in the spreadsheet
in Git?
drnlm, I feel confident, but my event was a slightly different context.
madduck: yes, in git
ginngs also knows the infrastructure and the people - a big plus
yeah, ICTS have gotten better over the years
indiebio: I mean, a free venue is nice when we're looking at higher than average travel costs. But certainly not required.
indiebio: that doesn't mean we aren't going to have a lot of trouble with them (I knew them, and fought them for years :P )
indiebio: Do we know for sure that UCT main campus would be free?
wendar: so with 300 people, that's 31k €/day for venue and food?
not per day
per 5 days?
wendar, not 100%, but I'd say... 80% or even 90%. There may be tiny costs...
But the subject matter can be argued to be academic, so I feel confident we can argue for free/in-kind sponsorship.
madduck: the totals say what they're fore
I have had very good support from UCT, even for things that were only vaguely related to academics
50 for 5 days, 200 for 5 days, and 300 for 5 days
50 is for DebCamp, and the other two cover two ends of our estimate range
i had an old file sorry
wendar, I think Jameson Hall would be about R5000 per day, it gets managed a little differently, should we want to use that...
would that be for plenaries?
indiebio: we haven't included Jameson Hall, but I'll note that if we expand the set
nattie: we have closer options for plenaries
so those prices don't scare me tbh
is that the one with the organ?
i don't know what local sponsorship would be like though
Jameson seats 1000, and LEslie social 348 or similar... I think we were thinking Jameson for Debian day
nattie: yeah, it wouldn't really be for anything else. It's huge
nattie: no, the organ was in the Baxter complex
oh, right.
2k€/day for the venue isn't a whole lot.
* nattie
thinks we should have the place with the organ, even if it's not broken ;)
madduck: yeah, they're reasonably in the range
and given that I saw that accomodation+food will be more in the order of 20€/day/person
that should be just fine
I haven't even looked at Baxter again. think the vibe is not what we want.
indiebio: Do you think it'd be possible to get catering quotes for UCT main campus dorms?
Oh, I guess that's dorms and coffee breaks.
If we do breakfast and lunch in the dormitory dining hall.
I've been having trouble to get a reply from the relevant people, but ginngs met with the dean today and got the application form signed, so maybe this means we can get more ifo.
sweet! thanks ginngs
ah, great
also, it's year-end for the students here, so I think the people are quite busy right now...
ah, ginggs.
I emailed a caterer who's van I see on campus a lot today, will try to get a price there, and I think ginggs is looking into the movie caterers as well, now that his exams are done.
whose. grammar.
do we try and have a discussion with someone in ICTS, yet? or leave it for later?
great, yeah the catering options are useful
tumbleweed: i think leave it for later
ok, it feels like we've reached the end of a discussion
tumbleweed, please action that I prod breakwater
tibid: agreed indiebio will attempt to get a quote out of Breakwater campus
Agreed: indiebio will attempt to get a quote out of Breakwater campus
so, madduck, your agenda item was about the LocationCheckList
do we know anything from the other bid teams?
i've not seen anything
they seem to have been quiet on the wiki
I haven't heard, but I'm not on their mailing lists
do they have any?
tumbleweed: I see that there's been work done already and it's looking good. The larger font items are more important than the smaller one
tumbleweed: not sure
so we should prioritise those
i have also not seen anything near as advanced as what you have
which is a good sign, but it can also be a bad surprise
especially the french like to have their cabals and non-public stuff ;)
so we should not rest
but I think you guys are very well on track
yeah, even without competition, there's a long road ahead
well, either way I've been having fun. I also see that highvoltage (I think?) mentioned in a report Cape Town in 2018 or 2020, so... it'll work out either way.
Having said that, 2016 would be reeaaaallly nice for me
so, if this time isn't successful, would there be interest in trying 2 or 4 years later?
I would be
hell yes
so would i
i think you guys will have to try hard not to win this time
indiebio, ginggs, confluency: There are some UCT specific things in the location checklists, that need some on-the-ground checking
but it's great to see that it wouldn't be the end
Actually organising conferences is what tends to burn people out - merely planning to run one is a lot easier
I mean, a lot of the hard work of making a bid would already be done anyway. It'd just be a time-delay on actual hosting.
tumbleweed, I stand under correction, but a quick eyeball - a lot of those I was waiting on a contact for the venues... so I'm a bit stuck for the momet.
also just really busy :/
indiebio: yeah
but anything that we can find out independantly, we should
drnlm: true, been there done that, but can also be a really invigorating experience.
it would be really advisable to get some sort of quote from a caterer who can cater to all kinds of dietary preferences
tumbleweed: sure. I think ginggs and I should do a lunchtime walk soonish.
having a very rough understanding of daily costs is going to help a lot
also, a list of local sponsors, no need to contact, just breadth-search…
OK, so catering. Should we get random quotes? Generally I think food in the Cape is good, if you're going for hearty meals.
indiebio: sure, random quotes. don't need more than 2 for sure
a quote would give us a starting point for the budget
I don't have any contacts, so other peeps can also help here with recommendations, random searches and whatnot.
but you will need to cater for veg/vegan/gluten-free
'K, I'll also keep buggin ginggs to get his movie feeders contacted.
yep, I saw that from the reports - lots of emphasis on the food!
we are a picky bunch
and we should get the official res caterer's quote (although I've never heard anything good about their food)
no, we just have a decent sense of self-preservation
if i have my way at dc15, it'll be fun as we'll have a veg default and ask people to identify themselves as meat-needers ;)
(re food)
Cape Town is hippie and hipster ville, they have all sorts of crazy food requirements. The difference between them and debian folk is that debian devs actually do stuff. /bitch
madduck, I actually think that's a good option.
oh, is cape town like the portland of south africa?
Debian has people who make a noise and don't do anything, too :)
nattie: pretty much
sounds awesome
but with surfing, too
tumbleweed: ah, that's why you looked so at home :)
I can be very nice until I encounter loafers. be warned.
and yes, you should have 10Mbit reliable networking *at the very least*
cape town is in south africa, your choice is beef or cow
madduck: UCT gets us way more than that
although they won't give us guarantees
we don't need guarantees really
it'll all work, and if not, then it does not.
but we want to make sure it could work ;)
(or somesuch)
rubbish ginggs, that's just your house
we are a volunteer-run, free conf after all
ginggs: i'll come for dinner one night. your choice of beef or cow ;)
NO! people, that is not how we are. dammit ginggs, we actually want to host debconf16, you know?!
indiebio: no worries, there is a lot of humour around debconf and orga
madduck: last I heard we have 550Mbit international bandwidth
oh, I thought it was a gig
If we're going with one main bid and a backup venue, should we try flesh a non-UCT option as the backup option?
indiebio: A large group of people will be thrilled by the beef or cow. :)
* madduck
fades out now
highlight me if there is more
drnlm: that was what I was thinking, before. Breakwater as main, something else, say technopark as backup
only a few of us are dietary weirdos (I'm probably the weirdest)
madduck: when the students aren't there on youtube and facebook, we'll have that mostly to ourselves
drnlm: and Upper campus as a the easy-to-book, free backup
but without pricing from breakwater, I've also been seeing upper campus as the primary venue
'K bye madduck, thanks for the help! :)
I'm still thinking river club as backup...
their prices were insane (and confused)
but I do like it an an option
we still haven't clarified their quote, have we?
yes, but I think we can streamline it, for sure
tumbleweed: nod, I've started thinking upper campus as primary, breakwater as first backup (if pricing is okay), and something like techno park as second backup
agree with wendar
we're going to book uct upper anyways, if it's free.
UCT is just so easy
so it can be a back up until very last minute or even last day...
yeah, and if we can afford to bus people out in the evenings, then it's even quite nicely located
actually, there's more in walking distance than I thought at first too
it is quite a walk, though
especially uphill, when you're tired
the advantage of bussing, is we can pick a different destination on various nights
surely we can get Jammie Shuttle passes for conference delegates?
waterfront, beach, etc...
I would hope so. But do they run during vac?
and how late in the evening?
would be ideal if it works, though
ok, we're drifting again
I think we've about covered the 2nd agenda item
3rd maybe? wendar?
which was the 3rd?
* Allison to give feedback from venue price comparisons, the sheet is on
git I believe.
yeah, in git
4th got mentioned in passing
still pending some we don't have prices for
re jammie, we'll have to pay, and they might not exist, but we can probably make some sort of plan
and we need clarification for river club
or did that happen?
we just need to beware of not promising magic buses
huh? clarification for what? sorry, fading...
we did get some feedback from river club
oh, we did?
(I was just checking email)
did the feedback make it into the spreadsheet?
it didn't answer all our questions, but most
just forwarded to list
let's see, no not in the spreadsheet yet
I know, because the estimates are still using the League Room, which they say is not available any more
okay, I've replaced it with the new Berg room, but will need pricing and sizing for it
(I'll commit after meeting)
anything else before we close?
what do we want to get done over the next week?
I want to hack on location checklist stuff a bit more
and I think get all the non-venue-specific bits into the man page
s/man/main/ ?
ok, I guess nothing else
tibid: end meeting