Meeting about Venue decision discussion follow-up

Convened at 2015-02-04 19:37:31.071839 by tumbleweed in #debconf16-capetown on oftc


[19:37:31] STARTED (tumbleweed)
[19:51:07] AGREED: tumbleweed will get breakwater (+technopark?) prices into the wiki (tumbleweed)
[19:51:31] AGREED: tumbleweed will write some words on exchange control (tumbleweed)
[19:52:00] AGREED: indiebio will collect more info on family accommadation, fuller bathrooms, and fuller catering (tumbleweed)
[20:10:31] AGREED: indiebio or ginggs to check up on availability of childcare (tumbleweed)
[20:10:40] AGREED: ginggs to list local groups on the wiki (tumbleweed)
[20:30:52] ENDED (tumbleweed)


Raw Log

[19:37:31] <tumbleweed> tibid: start meeting about Venue decision discussion follow-up
[19:37:31] * tibid gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles
[19:39:36] <tumbleweed> sorry, my attention was elsewhere
[19:39:42] <tumbleweed> (and it seems everyone else's is too)
[19:39:53] <indiebio> I;m here
[19:40:09] <tumbleweed> you all saw
[19:40:28] <tumbleweed> is there anything else we need to look at?
[19:42:15] <indiebio> not that I can think of. Shall we assign tasks to these things?
[19:42:57] <tumbleweed> sure
[19:43:26] <tumbleweed> so. I can try to get breakwater prices into the wiki
[19:43:31] <tumbleweed> (and technopark, if those are missing too)
[19:43:55] <tumbleweed> I could also make phone calls for some quotes - but this is probably better done by someone in the right time zone...
[19:44:11] <indiebio> I'll do the familay accomodation, Fuller bathroom sizes (shower:room ratio, at least) and Fuller catering quote
[19:44:45] <tumbleweed> indiebio: try to push them away from "conference" food towards *cheap* food
[19:44:48] <ginggs> i can also call/mail people during office hours
[19:44:49] <tumbleweed> that's really what matters for the bid
[19:45:12] <indiebio> will do.
[19:45:30] <tumbleweed> one of the committee members expressed an interest in an all-in-one accom+food deal
[19:45:36] <tumbleweed> it's obviously too early for that
[19:45:43] <tumbleweed> but ballpark thumbsucks are fine
[19:45:52] <indiebio> We have prices for Breakwater, was just too much...
[19:45:57] <tumbleweed> yeah
[19:46:00] <tumbleweed> but we never put them in the wiki
[19:46:05] <tumbleweed> so people don't know what they are
[19:46:10] <indiebio> I see fuller as possibly all-in-one.
[19:46:20] <tumbleweed> and I think we turned them off, when we asked for very low prices
[19:46:28] <indiebio> I think Breakwater is on git - so should be easy to put on wiki?
[19:46:34] <tumbleweed> yes
[19:47:10] <tumbleweed> the committee doesn't want to dig through all our quotes - they want bite-size numbers that they can compare to MTL
[19:47:55] <tumbleweed> ok, that sounds like about everything
[19:48:03] <tumbleweed> I'll write up what I know about exchange control issues, too
[19:49:41] <tumbleweed> anything else?
[19:49:48] * tumbleweed looks thorugh the side channel discussion logs
[19:50:32] <indiebio> could you action these for ease of reference please?
[19:51:00] <tumbleweed> tibid: agreed, tumbleweed will get breakwater (+technopark?) prices into the wiki
[19:51:00] <tibid> tumbleweed: Huh?
[19:51:07] <tumbleweed> tibid: agreed tumbleweed will get breakwater (+technopark?) prices into the wiki
[19:51:07] <tibid> Agreed: tumbleweed will get breakwater (+technopark?) prices into the wiki
[19:51:09] * madduck is listening and standing by ftr
[19:51:31] <tumbleweed> tibid: agreed tumbleweed will write some words on exchange control
[19:51:31] <tibid> Agreed: tumbleweed will write some words on exchange control
[19:52:00] <tumbleweed> tibid: agreed indiebio will collect more info on family accommadation, fuller bathrooms, and fuller catering
[19:52:00] <tibid> Agreed: indiebio will collect more info on family accommadation, fuller bathrooms, and fuller catering
[19:52:19] <tumbleweed> indiebio: miss anything?
[19:52:54] <indiebio> who does ginggs have to chase up?
[19:53:00] <indiebio> during office hours?
[19:53:11] <indiebio> Also ginggs to try again with the movie caterers...
[19:53:17] <tumbleweed> want to delegate one of your things to him?
[19:53:47] <tumbleweed> or try to wrangle better prices out of breakwater :P (marga expressed an interest)
[19:53:44] <ginggs>
[19:54:04] <ginggs> i can contact the Vacation Accommodation office for catering rates
[19:54:05] <indiebio> nah, should be quick and they're all related., thanks
[19:54:06] <tumbleweed> ginggs: yep, we have that in the wiki
[19:54:28] <indiebio> who's editing the wiki to make it more gunnar friendly?
[19:54:48] <indiebio> do we have exchange control person, tumbleweed? actioned?
[19:55:08] <tumbleweed> indiebio: I actioned that
[19:55:15] <tumbleweed> what do we need to do for gunnar?
[19:55:16] <tumbleweed> oh
[19:55:18] <tumbleweed> that
[19:56:23] <tumbleweed> 20:25 < pabs> the Montreal bid has info about the local Linux/FLOSS communities, would be good to have for CT as well
[19:56:26] <tumbleweed> we should do this too
[19:57:11] <ginggs> i can look at some wiki stuff
[19:57:25] <ginggs> who do we have in cape town? there's CLUG
[19:57:44] <ginggs> and a python group? arduino?
[19:57:58] <indiebio> I would also include ArduinoCT, the new Modern Alchemist...
[19:59:16] <tumbleweed> ginggs: there are groups for almost every language
[19:59:18] <superfly> ctpug
[19:59:27] <superfly> ruby brigade
[19:59:34] <superfly> I think there's a Perl group as well
[19:59:52] <superfly> also Ubuntu LoCo, though that's more internet-based
[20:00:47] <tumbleweed>
[20:02:43] <superfly> oh right, I also know about SUGSA (my boss goes)
[20:02:50] <superfly> Didn't know we had a PHP group
[20:07:11] <indiebio> OK, so who's going to list and make this look good on the wiki?
[20:08:10] <ginggs> i will
[20:08:21] <indiebio> Oh., also please action myself or ginggs to check up on the childcare - would they be open in vac and open to non-UCT people?
[20:10:04] <tumbleweed> indiebio: their website says they are open year round except 2 weeks at christmas
[20:10:07] <tumbleweed> but yes, please do
[20:10:31] <tumbleweed> tibid: agreed indiebio or ginggs to check up on availability of childcare
[20:10:31] <tibid> Agreed: indiebio or ginggs to check up on availability of childcare
[20:10:35] <indiebio> seeing that ginggs had kids, he can take this one. I'm semi-allergic. :P
[20:10:40] <tumbleweed> tibid: agreed ginggs to list local groups on the wiki
[20:10:40] <tibid> Agreed: ginggs to list local groups on the wiki
[20:10:44] <tumbleweed> indiebio: :)
[20:10:56] <tumbleweed> any other suckers for punishment?
[20:11:16] <tumbleweed> we should probably follow up to the team list, if we do anything big, and at least a summary of everything else
[20:12:50] <superfly> it sounds like the meeting is going to be on Friday evening, right?
[20:12:55] <indiebio> we can send a summary mail, say, Friday afternoon?
[20:13:00] <tumbleweed> superfly: there isn't a day yet
[20:13:06] <superfly> OK
[20:13:20] <tumbleweed> it could be monday
[20:15:19] <indiebio> can someone suggest to marga that the people who can't make it in person can read through the bids and submit their proxy... or something
[20:15:34] <tumbleweed> this has been suggested
[20:26:15] <madduck> oh it's been suggested! ;)
[20:26:29] <indiebio> lol
[20:26:29] <madduck> marga isn't the one to be told, she knows.
[20:26:36] <indiebio> OK, is that the meeting done?
[20:27:00] <madduck> there's really been quite a lot of rubble kicked up over the meeting last week
[20:27:12] <madduck> i have personally gotten myself into trouble twice ;)
[20:27:24] <madduck> but the cause is right, it was unacceptable what happened
[20:30:47] <tumbleweed> but it will probably continue to happen
[20:30:52] <tumbleweed> tibid: end meeting