Convened at 2010-09-27 18:05:03.815494 by marcog
in #algorithm on shadowfire
tibid: start meeting about Umonya Logo
* tibid
gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles
tibid: i am Marco Gallotta
marcog: Yessir
tibid: I am Maia Grotepass
maiatoday: Done
tibid: I am Doug Kisabaka
dougx: Okay
dougx: you want to take lead?
in a minute
so ismail sent this
By the way, Taejo on shadowfire told me "pm Michiel would you like to beta-test saco? you can consider it ACM training" 2 hours, 32 minutes and 46 seconds ago
I like the font but the text below is just too much for a logo
I'm thinking of something round like with colors on it
hi Michiel, Zy
you can get a vector version of the python logo
dougx: i agree
Taejo: very close to that, that's a very good point
also, the snake if we have one should be cartoony
* dougx
is using linux (no adobe fireworks, sorry)
so it can be printed on a shirt
do you have rights to use that snake picture?
also, is it highres enough for printing
probably not
We propbably don't need something too real
cartoony as marcog mentioned will be good
i agree
I have the python logo in svg
good maiatoday: I'd love to play with that
also I dig snakes, but some cultures are terified of them
maiatoday: you think that's a problem?
so we can't have the snake too scary realistic
so we make it less obvious that it's a snake, like in the python logo
yes, that i agree with maiatoday
What else could go into the logo?
can we give an indication of young kids?
and maybe the project's african roots
just braindumping
what if we dress up the python logo in african close?
those basket weaving techniques are very mathematical and african and very like the star xmas tree examples
nice Michiel!
Michiel: that's what i was thinking
sorry :P
or if we redo the python logo in a basket weave
very good ideas
maiatoday: i like that idea, but only thing is it won't be for tshirts
i mean it won't come out on the tshirt printing
but it's ok for the website / printed documents
the basket weave thing could be very geometric and vector, don't think of a basket as in looking like a real basket
what about dressing the python logo with alternating colored triangles with a thick white outline
a bit like tribal art
how about a vuvuzela that looks like a snake
dougx: would that not be too detailed?
casted: no
casted: stfu :)
doesn't have to be too detailed
casted: NO!
the rest of the world hates those
they hate them here too
casted: our broadcasters did not give a paid option to have them digitally removed
not that exactly but it gives you an idea of the simplified graphicness you could do with basket
Michiel: i found the tv-off button to work quite well
maiatoday: not so inspiring imho
ok, well this is OT, so lets stop the vuvuzela talk :)
comment from marko who might run umonya in croatia
Marko: I see no evil in having multiple logos.
we might consider making the logo "adjustable" for europe
A common identity will be good
neither do I
but then they would make the change
more difficult to design a multi-funtion logo
Having the logo based on python's is a good idea since it has a unique shape
and just texture the logo or something based on country
so long as we stay within python conditions.
python logo with countries flag colours?
casted: for croatia i was thinking the red-white checkers board
for e.g.
I think we aren't really allowed to modify it too much if we follow the license strictly though
also casted good thing I didn't play you in sqaush
hey all
hehe the checker board sounds like a basket weave again
ShadowMaster: why?
serving I can't do it
ShadowMaster, casted: can you go to pvt plox
hey bob
we could make the snake come out of a basket like those snake charmers
Good point concerning the license. So let's make a pythonic-logo that can still be recoginsed to bear resemblance to python
you could write umonya in the style of the python snakes?
or maybe just the U
maiatoday: Use of derived logos for user groups and conferences -- Allowed if used to refer to the Python programming language. Commercial user groups and for-profit conferences require permission from the PSF.
yes that's right marcog, but isn't there something about modification
casted: can you explain your last point please? I don't see the round shaping becoming a U :-D
maiatoday: that is about derived logos, i.e. modified
dougx: yeah it will require some hax
I like casted's vuvuzela idea...
bob: no
now I am thinking about those escher snakes that look a lot like the python logo too
no vuvuzelas
bob: vuvuzela is soccer, not Africa or computer related
how about a snake coming out of the U, or the A being a snake?
Taejo: i like
re the different logos
Marko: it goes well with the whole "independent cell" idea
or the O being a snake based on the python logo
You could have a U wrapped in a snake...
marcog: do you know if Marko can join this meeting?
I like that dougx
it just has to come out well when it's small
dougx: i'm gonna ask him
just the umonya word with python logo instead of o
* maiatoday
is always a fan of simpler solutions
marko is beta-testing saco right now
Taejo: ah right
simple is good
maiatoday: it still doesn't help for a single small logo for little prints
hmmm single small logo for little prints needs to be really simple like the ubuntu logo
So perhaps you could change that O into something more unique than just the normal python logo?
maybe we can have a version with three snakes instead of 2
dougx: i meant something like this for the U
good one casted :-D
casted: you can even have those overlapping at the bottom
I like the design my casted
bob: yeah, i want it to overlap
but its just a quick hack i did in gimp
just wanted to give the idea
i think it needs green
yeah, green and brown is nicer than yellow, blue, brown
I'd settle for the design by casted - who else likes it? just make the bottoms overlap
you would need the right font to follow the U
or just make it the logo, and umonya is separate
there's tons of nice free fonts out there
can the python shapes in U stand on it's own? I think so
use a good monospace one, after all this a programming thing
And perhaps the colours you would find in a python?
maiatoday: yeah, the more i thought about i'd rather not have it part of the word
casted: i like the idea of having a separate logo and umonya banner
no, no courrier new please
brown and greeny brown
monospace was a joke :P
btw is it possible to have a python's spots (which can be quite intricate) in some sort of binary or grey code form?
bob i like
ok I just played with the vectors, I flipped the snakes so they make something that looks like a curly brace with 010101 coming out of it I'll try to put the image somewhere
casted and maiatoday here's a nice svg for inkscape
yes that's what I am using
I need a copy of that font they use there
I think you can get it somewhere
oh... I just thought of something... If you have like three pythons (perhaps of different shades of brown/green) you can have them weave in and out in the binary.
but I don't like it
I like the font used in the first logo (was that dougx's?)
binary does not print well
Taejo: link?
That was from Ismail's friend. His name is mohamed
We might need to ask him if more people like it
Details about the python logo for ye all designers;
so do we have anything more to dicuss? or should we end this meeting and let people send ideas around via email?
end the meetin
sounds like we need to see some mockups
I don't have much more to say
tibid: end meeting